Institute of Sustainability & Singularity Malaysia (ISSM)
Institute of Sustainability & Singularity Malaysia (ISSM)
Addressing the emergence business risks and planetary ills requires unprecedented awakening on the part of the business community regarding the importance of renewed knowledge and skills to galvanise new practices and to generate creative and innovative ideas and solutions. A transformative education and training programme is necessary to introduce ethical mind shift of the business community to produce players and leaders fit for the 21st Century. Education and training programme must be transformed to meet contemporary knowledge and skill needs, but most succinctly of all is, it should not only be about teaching or training employees how to build more industrial and built systems but also on how to co-exist with the surroundings, both in co-habitation and in mutuality of space and resource utilisation. With the arrival of megatrends and their polycrisis, complexities and uncertainties are now nor. Henceforth, it is most timely for us to ask what sort of knowledge and skills we need to acquire to meet the challenges of a post-normal era and the 21st Century.
✔️ Modular Program - Robotic Class
✔️ Biomimicry for kids
✔️ Short-term training
✔️ Interdisciplinary Studies (3 months)
✔️ Transdisciplinary Studies (6 months)
✔️ Pre-Diploma & Pre-University (≤ 1 year)
✔️ Diploma Program (≤ 2 years)
✔️ Degree Program (≤ 3-4 years)
✔️ Post-Graduate Program (≤ 3 years)
With the arrival of megatrends and their polycrisis, complexities and uncertainties are now are nor. Henceforth, it is most timely for us to ask what sort of knowledge and skills we need to acquire to meet the challenges of a post-normal era and the 21st Century.
We believe that the holy grail of environmental/sustainability education or training programme lies in our ability to create syllabi that can connect learners with Nature, learn from Nature and mimic the ways Nature does things. Here, a whole-system approach of learning is of paramount importance. Disciplines and subjects that are related to all the intertwined megatrends must be taught as an One-Whole Subject. These syllabi must have the boldness to constantly evolve to achieve relevancy and where necessary, integrate new sciences and approaches to better understand the complex relationships of dependency and mutuality and diverse causal and effect processes amongst the many facets of human development and their interaction with Nature.
We are most convinced that a successful and resilient business requires a renewed and transformative approach to environmental, sustainability and Net-Zerolearning. Through a renaissance and whole-embodying approach to education and skill enhancement programme, we can empower business sector to work sustainably with Nature and bring the necessary systemic change in the way we see, work and connect withNature.